Non-aristocratic, bureaucratic administration |
2nd c. B.C. |
Formal channels for citizen appeal to the central government. |
2nd/1rst c. B.C. |
Formal checks on abuses of power. |
2nd–1st c. B.C. |
State-sponsored universities and public schools. |
2nd–1st c. B.C. |
Legal protection for slaves. |
35 AD. |
Requirement that capital punishment cases be reviewed by a higher court. |
1st c. A.D. |
Student demonstrations. |
153 A.D. |
Foreign nationals permitted to hold high office. |
7th c. |
Social criticism a major literary genre |
8th c. onward |
Decline of aristocracy and inherited status |
9th c. |
Liberation of large numbers of serfs |
9th c. |
Formal, open, blindly-graded examinations/egalitarian civil service. |
10th c. |
Tax breaks for disaster areas. |
10th c. |
Independent branch of govt. to check abuses of power |
11th c. |
Formal citizen appeals system. |
11th c. |
Print culture |
11th c. |
Public opinion mentioned in policy debates |
11th c. |
Public schools |
11th c. |
Private trusts |
11th c. |
Higher education fellowships for the poor |
11th c. |
11th c. |
Government loans for small entrepreneurs |
11th c. |
Public orphanages |
11th c. |
>Major, successful student demonstrations |
(2nd c.) 12th c. |