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ANSWERS–The origin and identity of the authors are revealed below:
1. “Take from man his selfish propensites and he can have nothing to seduce him from the practice of virture. Or subdue those propensities by education, instruction or restraint, and virtue remains without a competitor.”
Western Author: THOMAS JEFFERSON (c. April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826)
2. “Government can be successfully administered only when it is in accord with the people’s will. When a governement fails it is because it opposes the people’s will.”
Chinese Author: GUANZI
3. “If politicians were less blinded by ambition . . . they would realize that political authority has its main source of power in the citizen’s hearts, and that in the maintenance of government nothing can replace public morality.”
Western Author: JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU (28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778)
4. “The sovereign imposes his attitudes on the court, the court on the town, and the town on the provinces; his mind is the pattern which determines the shape of all the others.”
Western Author: MONTESQUIEU (18 January 1689 – 10 February 1755)
5. “Law does not come from the heaven . . . It develops in society, and resides in the people’s hearts.”
Chinese Author: SHENZI
6. “I write to express my own mind, and paint to suit myself, that is all.”
Chinese Author: ZHU XIANGXIAN, 11th c.
7. “The poetry of painting simply consists in the apt expression of the artist’s own feeling.”
Western Author: JOHN KEBLE, 19th c.
8. “[Subjects held in fear by a tyrant are like water] which, having once found an outlet, flows out with all the more force if it has previously been contained by force.”
Western Author: THOMAS ACQUINAS (c. January 28, 1225 – 7 March 1274)
9. “If a river is dammed up and bursts its dikes, the number of people killed will be large…[Likewise’ in governing the people one releases them from constraints and provides for open speech as an outlet.”
Chinese Author: SAYINGS FROM THE STATES, 4th c. BCE