CASE 6:  Pipa as a Window on Chinese Music


General Studies

Feng Wenci 馮 文 慈.“Pinzhong fansheng di yinyue yishu ”品 種 繁 盛 的 音 樂 藝 術. In Zhonghua wenmingzhi: Mingdai中 華 文 明 史: 明 代, vol. 8. 712-14. Shijiachuang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe, 1994.

Gulik, Robert Hans van. The Lore of the Lute. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1940.

Jones, Stephen. Folk Music of China: Living Instrumental Traditions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.

Liang Mingyue. Music of the Billion: An Introduction to Chinese Musical Culture. New York: Heinrichshofen, 1985.

Lieberman, Fredric. Chinese Music: An Annotated Bibliography, 2nd edition. New York: Garland, 1979.

Mulligan, Jean, trans. The Lute: Kao Ming’s P’i-p’a chi. New York: Columbia Press, 1980.

Sadie, Stanley, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. New York: Macmillian. 1981.

Stevan, Harrell, ed. Perspectives on the Yi of Southwest China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Kishibe Shigeo. “The Origin of the P’i P’a, with particular Reference to the Five-Stringed Pi Pa Preserved in the Shosoin.” Transactions of the Society of Japan, 2nd Serial Vol. 19 (1940), 250-304.

Witzleben, J. Lawrence. “Silk and Bamboo” Music in Shanghai: The Jiangnan Sizhu Instrumental Ensemble Tradition. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1995.

Shosoin Jimuso 正 倉 院 事 務 所. Shosoin no gakki 正 倉 院 樂 器. Nara: Shosoin, 1967.

Wu Zhao 吳 釗. Zhuixun shiqu di yinyue zongji 追 尋 逝 去 的 音 樂 蹤 跡 Retracing the Lost Footprints of Music. Beijing: Dongfang chubanshe, 1999.

Yuan Jingfang 袁 靜 芳. Mingzu qiyue 民 族 器 樂 (Chinese instrumental music). Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe, 1987. 170-238.

Xiu Hailin and Wang Zichu. Yueqi 樂 器: Musical Instruments. Shanghai: Wenyi chubanshe, 2001.

Zhongguo wudao yishu yanjiu hui wudaoshi yanjiuzu 中 國 舞 蹈 藝 術 研 究 會 舞 蹈 史 研 究 組 ed. Quan Tangshi zhong di yuewu ziliao 全 唐 詩 中 的 樂 舞 資 料 (Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe, 1958), 90-98.

Zhou Wu 周 蕪. Zhongguo guben xiqu chatuxuan 中 國 古 本 戲 曲 插 圖 選 (Selected illustrations of historical publications of Chinese theater). Tianjin: Renmin meishu chubanshe, 1985.

Pipa Studies and Notation

Besio, Kim. “Gender, Loyalty, and the Reproduction of the Wang Zhaojun Legend: Some Social Ramifications of Drama in the Late Ming.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 40/2 (1997), 251-82.

Han Shude 韓 淑 德 and Zhang Zhinan 張 之 年. Zhongguo pipa shigao 中 國 琵 琶 史 稿 (A draft history of the Chinese pipa). Chengdu: Sichuan renmin chubanshe, 1985.

Hayashi Kenzo (Lin Qiansan) 林 謙 三. “Pipa di dingxian yuanzhe ji qi bianqian” 琵 琶 的 定 弦 原 則 及 其 變 遷 (Principles of pipa tuning and its changes). In Dongya yueqi kao 東 亞 樂 器 考 (Study of East Asian musical instruments), 257-82. Reprint; Beijing Renmin chubanshe, 1996.

Ju Shilin鞠 士 林. Ju Shilin pipapu 鞠 士 林 琵 琶 譜 (Master Ju Shilin’s pipa notation). Numerical notation prepared by Lin Shicheng. Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe, 1983.

Levy, Dore J., trans. “Ballad of the P’i-p’a by Po Chü-yi.” In Chinese Narrative Poety: The Late Han Through T’ang Dynasties, 132-37. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1988.

Liu Tianhua 劉 天 華. Chuangzuo quji 創 作 曲 集 (Collected compositions). Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe, 1985.

Lin Yinzhi 林 寅之 Pipa guqu Shimian maipu banben jijin yu yanjiu 琵 琶 古 曲 十 面 埋 伏 版 本 集 錦 與 研 究 (A collection of notated sourcs for the historical pipa composition, “Ambush from Ten Sides”and its analysis). Beijing: Central Conservatory of Music, 1989.

Liu Lan 劉 蘭. Bai Juyi yu yinyue 白 居 易 與 音 樂(Bai Juyi and music). Shanghai: Wenyi chubanshe, 1983.

***Mulligan, Jean, trans. The Lute: Kao Ming’s P’i-p’a chi. New York: Columbia Press, 1980.

Myers, John E. The Way of the Pipa: Structure and Imagery in Chinese Lute Music. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1992.

Shen Haochu 沈 浩 初. Yangzhengxuan pipa pu 養 正 軒 琵 琶 譜 (Pipa notation of the Yangzheng Studio), edited by Lin Shicheng 林 石 城. Bejing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe, 1983.

Ren Hongxiang 任 鴻 翔, ed. Pinghu pai pipapu shisan qu 平 湖 派 琵 琶 曲 十 三 首 (Notation for thirteen compositions of the Pinghu pipa school). Beijing﹕Renmin yinyue chubanshe, 1990.

Wang Huiran 王 惠 然.. “Yizu wuqu” 彝 族 舞 曲 (Dance music of Yi people). In Pipa quxuan: 1949-1979 琵 琶 曲 選﹕1949-1979 (Selected pipa compositions: 1949-1979), compiled by Zhongguo yinyuejia xiehui, 60-65. Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe, 1987.

Ye Dong 葉 棟 Dunhuang pipa qupu 敦 煌 琵 琶 曲 譜.


Chen Yi. Sparkle. CRI CD 804.

He Shuying. Chinese Pipa Music Selection. FOD7951-1.

Liu Dehai. Liu Dehai Plays Pipa Favourites. HK 8.242131.

Tan Dun. Ghost Opera (1994) for String Quartet and Pipa. Nonesuch 790445-2.

Various Artists. Shimian maifu. Hugo. HRP-722-2

Yang Wei and Betti Xiang. Song of Consonance. Crossroads CD 4320.


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