CASE 5:  Popular Belief in Ancient China


SHT 730-742 [SHT: Slip number follows those given in Yunmeng Shuihudi Qinmu (Peking: Wenwu Chubanshe, 1981)].

The first four characters of each entry, which are invariably in the form of “if a child [son] is born on such and such day,” are not translated here.

730: Those days that cannot be employed [to do things] are the chen-day (辰) of the third month of the Autumn, wei-day (未) of the third month of the Winter, the wu-day (午) of the third month of Spring, and the hai-day (亥) of the third month of the Summer.

731: Jie day 结: Unsuccessful in doing things. If one performs a sacrifice, it will not be auspicious. If a son is born, he shall have no younger brother; if he should have one, he [the younger brother] will certainly die. If one allows someone to stay in his house, it is certain that this person will forcibly occupy the house of the owner.

732: Yang day 阳: Every thing will be smooth and successful. The country and commandery will have a good harvest; ordinary persons will be successful. If one performs a sacrifice, the gods above and below will enjoy it and one will be satisfied.

733: Jiao day 交: Good for commercial activities. Auspicious for digging wells. When making sacrifice to the gate, the road and the boat-ride, it will be auspicious.

734: Hai day 害: Good for expelling malicious demons and driving away inauspicious things. Auspicious if making a sacrifice to the gate and the road: when sacrificing, it will be chaotic if a crowd is gathering [?]

735:Yin day 阴: Good for performing sacrifices at home. Very auspicious for marrying daughters, taking wives and receiving goods. When asking for an interview with superior officials, one will often be successful and no harm will be done.

736: Da day 达: Good for marching the army to battle and for interviewing people. When making offerings to the deities above and below, it will be completely auspicious. If a child is born, it will be auspicious if it is a boy, and if it is a girl, she will certainly be out of the country.

737: Waiyang day 外阳: Good for going out to the fields. It is permissible to go hunting. If one escapes, he will not [reach?] the gate.

738: Waihai day 外害: One cannot do work. If one goes out to the open fields, he will certainly meet bandits and see soldiers.

739: Waiyin day 外阴: Good for performing sacrifices and auspicious for doing business and receiving goods. It is not permissible to go to the wild fields.

740: [Jueji day]: …could be named as the “contesting” day. If a son is born, he will be poor and helpless. …people will not gain. Good for removing curses and all kinds of inauspicious things.

741: Jueguang day光: Good for climbing mountains and feasting, and for hunting in the open fields. There is food in the house. If one travels, it will be gainful. If a child is born, it will be beautiful whether it is a boy or a girl.

742: Xiu day 秀: Good for starting an important task. Auspicious for making a grand sacrifice. Auspicious for making caps, carriages, garments and wearing belts. Auspicious if a child is born, but inauspicious for the brother [of the child?].

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